Stoneymill Square

12209 Veirs Mill Road

Wheaton, MD 20906

Property Details

Property Type: Neighborhood Center

Total Square Footage (GLA): 50,080 sf

Traffic Counts: Veirs Mill Road/Route 586 -38,750

Average Household Income: $ 132,020 within 5 mi

Daytime Population: 217,392 within 5 mi

Population: 381,244 within 5 mi


CVS/pharmacy, Korean Korner Grocery

Stoneymill Square is a 40,480-square-foot neighborhood shopping center featuring great visibility from Veirs Mill and Randolph roads. The center is anchored by CVS/pharmacy and Korean Korner grocery store.

Contact Us

8405 Greensboro Drive, Eighth Floor, McLean, VA 22102

(t) 571.382.1290 (f) 571.382.1210

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