1131 Elden Street

1131 Elden Street

Herndon, VA 20170

Property Details

Property Type: Streetfront Retail

Maximum Square Footage: 28,873 sf

Traffic Counts: 37,000 VPD

Average Household Income: $ 148,826 within 5 mi

Daytime Population: 153,243 within 5 mi

Population: 217,448 within 5 mi

Services: Leasing

This property is a 2,450 SF Auto Repair Shop at 1131 Elden Street in Herndon, VA. Parcel is 28,873 Square Feet (0.66 Acres). A total of 37,000 VPD (Elden Street). Two curb cuts, providing easy access to and from both directions on Elden St. The space is Zoned C-2.

Contact Us

8405 Greensboro Drive, Eighth Floor, McLean, VA 22102

(t) 571.382.1290 (f) 571.382.1210

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