Trinity Square

210 Michigan Avenue, NE

Washington, DC 20017

Property Details

Property Type: Neighborhood Center

Maximum Square Footage: 1,590 sf

Traffic Counts: 22,100 VPD

Average Household Income: $ 94,456 within 2 mi

Daytime Population: 120,509 within 2 mi

Population: 203,927 within 2 mi

Services: Leasing


MedStar Health, Peruvian Chicken, Trinity Deli

Located in a dense residential neighborhood with a rising student population due to the proximity of Catholic University and Trinity Washington University - Less than 5-minute drive to the Washington VA hospital and Medstar hospital with a combined 947 beds - Adjacent to VA Medical Centers 120 bed Community Living Center - Underserved retail corridor - Second generation restaurant

Contact Us

8405 Greensboro Drive, Eighth Floor, McLean, VA 22102

(t) 571.382.1290 (f) 571.382.1210

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